..to whom if I were to speak, I would not understand.
Anyways, checked out Turtles Blog (as per usual) and decided to steal a few of her pics (as per usual). This one (which I stole) I will put up here, cos it represents my life right now (and I suspect for the next couple of months to come): A tangle of roads, heading towards a bend around which I cannot yet see; some look green and luscious, others bare and wanting, but all surrounded by daunting, daunting hills. If I had expected bright yellow signposts along the way, it seems there would be none. And coming from around the bend is a lonely man, to whom if I were to speak, I would not understand. I would not understand. Sigh. And 'tis DONE! Finished the damned thesis mid-day yday!! I did dearly want to do a jig of celebration but since my feet felt like lead thought I'd sleep it off first, do the jig second - and I wake up 13 hours later now and both my feet and head feel like lead. Is that normal???
i think everyone.... or atleast most people tend to feel this way at some point or other...a lack of clear sense of direction.... or being deserted.... or not knowin what to do.... thinking of it is sorta scary too... oh well, life goes on and it keeps going on...
Hmmm.. I think it's a general feeling at this point in your life :) don't worry everything usually falls into place as soon as you start being receptive to your own needs :)
Lady Divine: Good to see you here! You're right, it's the thinking that's scary..and lonely!
Mr Evil: I think my lack of "my own needs" atm is exactly the problem! We'll see how things go though! ;o)
well! at first glance, you wonder if even the famed railway engineers of sri lanka could avoid derailment on this. its more spaghetti than railtrack.
each track in there has its partner with which it manages to form a perfect parallel. the trick lies in finding out which line's going your way, and in finding out before you work up enough steam to go the distance...
...to discover your personal sense of order, within everyone else's chaos.
(frost warned againt trying to stretch symbolism too much... an d i think i've just proved the man's point)
Ahhh..well said! ;o)
Let me go find my perfect parallel, figure out my line, and only then think of the miles to go..for
/The woods are lovely, dark, and deep/ But I have promises to keep/ And miles to go before I sleep/
And miles to go before I sleep/
stupid blogger ate my comment. here's another try, albeit less nicely written cause i must rush ....
so what is represented by the expression on the face of the cycling man -- the expression of "mad rich girl from Colombo taking pictures of our village railtrack ... railtrack??? is she mad???" (not to mention the expressions of more head-scarved men near the signpost)
Can I plead (as Jokerman said above) Frost's argument of not stretching symbolism too much?!?! Plz, plz, pretty plz with a cherry on top?
Of course I can! This is MY blog and I can plead whatever I want!
I see only one man in the pic..Is this a trick question??
in response to the turtle:
you're missing the wood for the trees there (sorry, manshark, couldnt resist that pun). forget the expression on the man's face. focus on...
... the bicycle.
a wise man will seek order within chaos, a track that runs true. a still wiser man will search for the ORIGIN of the chaos itself; question its raison d'etre.
he will realise that, for chaos to be recognised, one must first DESIRE a sense of order: the tracks are deemed chaotic because parralel lines are the only ones that work...
...THEN, he will ask himself why this SENSE OF ORDER was required in the first place: parallel lines are needed because two wheels needed to be parallel for him to travel...
...and finally, he will ask himself, is this as it should be? can it not be otherwise? can't the order ITSELF be changed, so that i may dissolve my chaos? what if i were to...
...to arrange the wheels, not in parralel, but one behind the other?
...bicycle. :)
thus, the cycling man represents enlightenment. the individual who does not fear the tangled tracks; because he had the wisdom to circumvent what lesser minds strove to master.
bloody hell. that was too long. sorry.
Oooooohhhhhhhh..I hope Turtle understands this cos I sure don't! ;op
to jokerman: when i left the comment, that was exactly the answer i was looking for. the turtle *of course* was smart enough to know it and was only testing to see whether anyone else in the blogger world had matching levels of intelligence.
**the utter delayed action here is a point of evidence as to how the turtle got her name
turtle: smart people are the ones who manage to discover amazing things. brilliant people are the ones who manage to take take the credit!
**the more than utter delayed reply to the above is a point of evidence as to how relatively fast (and hence brilliant) the turtle actually is.
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