Friday, November 03, 2006

Do NOT try this at home!!

One of the first blog posts I ever read (no idea whose) was about how the older (Sri Lankan) generation has given us a shitty li'lcountry with a lot of shitty problems and now we, the new generation, are going to have to deal with the end result of all that crap. Now I was e-mailed this li'l experiment early this mornin which I thought might just be relevant:

What you Need:

- 1 cage
- 1 banana
- Some stairs
- A water hose
- Lots of monkeys (at least 10)

What to Do:

Set up the cage with the banana hanging inside and the stairs placed under the said banana. Next send in five of the monkeys. Now be patient (and have the hose ready). Soon one of the monkeys will move away from the group and start to climb the stairs to get to the banana. As soon as this happens spray water at all the monkeys (and thereby detering the adventurous monkey as well). In a while more, another monkey will try to go for the banana - repeat as above and douse them monkeys with water. Let a couple more of the monkeys go for the banana and repeat process. Soon enough, when a monkey tries to go for the banana, the rest of the monkeys will attack it to stop it even if you don't spray water on them cos they expect the water anyway. Now comes the interesting bit.

Take a monkey out of the cage and replace it with another (who does not know this process obviously). Now this new monkey will try to go for the banana. And the poor monkeys in there who still remember the water will attack the new dude to stop it. This will happen everytime he tries to go for the banana. Then take a second monkey out of the cage and replace it with a new one. New one will go for banana, others will attack..including the first new one who has no idea why he's attacking - he just knows he must stop this new dude cos all the other monkeys think so. Then take a third monkey out and replace him. This third one will be attacked by 2 monkeys who have no idea why they're attacking him and 2 old ones who remember the water. Then a fourth one - he will be attacked by 3 monkeys who've no idea why and one old monkey who remembers. Then replace the final one. This will be attacked by the other four (= all) monkeys - though none of them really have any idea why exactly they're trying to stop him. So there's no more need for water cos none of the monkeys will go near the banana again without being attacked by the others.

What to Think:

Why is this? Cos that's the way things were done, and that's the way things should continue to be done.

What to Question:

Now, can we really blame the old monkeys who remembered and not the new monkeys who fell in line?

However, seeing as I don't know just how intelligent monkeys generally are, I can't say how far they're capable of any independent thinking really.


Turtle said...

ok this is just too much for my currently dead brain

Ian Selvarajah said...

Interesting analogy to what's going on in SL!

Conformity is a scary thing...

I can relate this to the business world where most people are afraid of change. Generally, whenever someone questions an older [usually inefficient] process the answer you'll often get is: "That's the way it's always been done."

Where monkeys and humans defer though is hopefully one day a human WILL ask the question: Hey, why are you attacking me?! When they realize the threat (water in this case) is no longer there, hopefully someone will end up enjoying that banana!! :)

Anonymous said...

"Each time the guru sat for worship with his disciples, the pet cat would come and distract them. So the guru ordered his disciples to tie the cat whenever they sat for prayer.

After the guru died, the cat continued to be tied at the worship time. And when the cat expired, another cat was brought in to make sure that the guru's orders were observed faithfully.

Centuries passed, and learned treatises were written by the guru's scholarly disciples on the ritualistic significance of tying up the cat while the worship is performed."

i'm quoting a favourite author of mine, called tony de mello. the book is 'the song of the bird'. :) wish i could write more, now... but work beckons, rather lewdly

Anonymous said...

I remember posting that long time ago. But I delete that blog since I sad what I had to. But if I do recollect that post or find it somewhere I will repost it.

Manshark said...

Turtle: dead brain?!? Shyte *excuses, excuses*

the1truecoolguy: Shhhh! (I actually did get this off an e-mail about business' "policies")..but Shhh!! ;op

And yep, let's hope one of 'em monkeys, REGARDLESS of it's intelligence level, decides to ask why one day soon ;oD

Jokerman: on as per usual..what can I say? All right then, I won't say anything seeing as you've porb'ly had quite enough of what I have to say yah! ;op hehehe

Blind Critic: shall look out for as to go back to the roots and such ;o)

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

Hmmmm :D interesting theory :D But someone had a wee bit of extra time :D he he he :D But seriously.. I think you just made that experiment sound like the SL parliament :D lol :)

Manshark said...

The SL Parliament?!? Wow, completely unintended..but SO VERY true!! ;o)

Btw, tnx for the link! ;oD

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

lol :) here how come you're not showing ur blog on ur profile? Gone into hiding ? :D

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

ohhhh okaokaokaaaaa :D Change over to beta does that :D You get a new profileeee... rigggghhtttt...

Manshark said...

I'm not?!? Bloody hell! This upgrade thing is not workin out too well..aargghh..will go have a looksee..THANX!!

Btw, mansharks are too big to go into hiding even if they wanted to! lol ;oD

Chamendra Wimalasena said...

No no dont worry :) The ting is when you get beta it gives you a new profile link.. and all your old posts are pointing at your old profile.. hence i found your new one and all is OKAYYY :D Ur link is working :) Neways.. damn.. I wanna change but i like the look of my page.. still thinking .. take the plunge or not :(