Friday, October 20, 2006

Here it is!!

I do believe I said I was going to do a review of The Banana Tree Crisis months ago!! And how time has flown since then! But I shall get to it in exactly 2 weeks (after exams) I promise!


..since I wouldn't want you to hold your breath or anything till then, here is a much better (than I could ever write!) review of The Banana Tree Crisis which appeared in last Sunday's (15 Oct) The Nation newspaper by KNO Dharmadasa!

This can also be accessed here!

1 comment:

Kaiser Kobayashi said...

YOUR manshark?!?!?...heheh...and here i was thinking your some new blogger!!! :s how come the manshark bit doesnt appear on Kottu? or is that another one of my computers little tricks?!?! and why am i being called a fish....i dont want to be a fish....i want to be a turtle...or maybe even a prawn...not a fish!!!! :p oh oh oh...just saw your chatterbox..shall go mess with that now (yes im an immature lil brat) buhbye shark! TC.