Monday, August 14, 2006

Liberty Plaza Bomb Blast

The bomb blast near the Liberty Plaza shopping centre, which has taken 7 lives and injured at least 17 is said to have been targeted at a military convoy which was escorting a VIP according to TamilNet news while the Pakistan Foreign Ministry confirmed their Ambassador to SL was targeted.

The blast "came after the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) said Air Force jets bombed an orphanage in the northeast, killing 43 schoolgirls aged 15-18 and injured 60" according to AlertNet. The military confirmed there had been air raids but denied knowledge of such an incident according to BBC though the LTTE Peace Secretariat photos show otherwise.


Voice in Colombo said...

Why would they purposely target Pakistani HC? I can't figure out a reason for this, as for many other brutal acts of LTTE in the past.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan is the biggest supplier of military hardware to Sri Lanka. The Pakistani Ambassador is a personal and close friend of Mahinda Rajapakse. Bashir was the one who is pushing defence ties between Pakistan and Sri Lanka on account of his friendship with Mahinda.

Are these "school girls" or Tigers?

Take a look:

Anonymous said...

Tiger propaganda that Air Force attacked a school is a fabrication!

[14th August 2006 -15:20 S.L.T]

According to information received from Jaffna the propaganda carried out by tiger organization through media favourable to it that S.L. Air Force attacked a school in un-cleared area killing 40 children is a mere fabrication.

According to tigers the school is situated at Sundrapuram, 15 km away from Mallaitivu and the attack had been carried out at 7.00 a.m. today. However, according to information received a tiger camp had been at the place. It had been a camp of ‘People’s Brigade’ to give arms training to people in un-cleared areas and children who had been recruited as child soldiers and were given armed training. They had been armed and some had worn the camouflage kit of the tiger organization while several had been in civilian clothes. Air Force had been able to observe the forward defense lines being attacked from the relevant camp.

After observing all this and confirming it as a tiger camp and not a place civilians converge the Army had attacked the camp.

Among the dead in the attack there had been child soldiers of the tiger terrorists and to shake off the condemnation of having child soldiers the tigers have fabricated the story that Air Force had attacked a ‘school.’

Army intelligence indicates that they had confirmed that the relevant place was a tiger camp.

Manshark said...

The photos on TamilNet of the killed "school girls" looks a bit set up to me - or is it just me and my inexperience? They look much older than "children" and is everyone complete immune or is there no one to mourn the death of such "children"?

Let's assume (ASSUME!!) they are children - of course there would be collateral damage - but doesn't the numbers here still seem a bit exaggerated??

Manshark said...

Also, didn't Pakistan say something about fighting "terrorism" with SL - or something like this (forgive my amnesiac memory) - when Rajapakse visited Pakistan in April this year??

Anonymous said...

Yeah the whole scenario (the photos in LTTE peace sec. web) looks too neat to a bombed out site, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I mean, "neat".

Anonymous said...

A Tamil Tiger, whether he is 45 or whether she is 16 is still a Tamil Tiger who is out to kill Sri Lankan soldiers. I definitely think these were trainees for the LTTE, and now that they have been bombed the LTTE is putting on a whole show claiming they are innocent victims. 120+ schoolgirls coming in for a first aid course? Please. Remember the LTTE is providing military training and seeting up its auxillary force. I really doubt the SLAF would just go and bomb an orphanage for no reason at all. The UAVs must have recorded training activity going on.

Anonymous said...

Aloha Guys,
I'm Just Curious as to why cant the SL Air Force bomb the Tiger longe range guns in the North ? Cant they see them from the UAV's and the Kfirs ? Just checking !


sittingnut said...

your suspicion about a set up may be right. see the link to bbc report i left in your post

Anonymous said...

Beau, said guns are located in jungle terrain. It is every difficult to spot them and even more difficult to accurately target them.